Thankful for God's everlasting mercy and for His great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord, we covenant and agree together to see, to know, and to do His Holy Will, and to promote the triumph of our Savior's Kingdom over the world.
Heartily believing that the Scriptures were given by the inspiration of God, and that they are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for the instruction in righteousness, and also that Christian freedom requires that they be interpreted by individual judgment, we covenant together to accept the Bible as our supreme standard of faith and duty, and to recognize as Christians and worthy of our fellowship, all who devoutly love the Lord Jesus Christ and sustain a life of Christian piety as taught by the word of God.
Anxiously desiring that all differences which separate Christ's people may be removed, and that there may be one flock and one Shepherd, we covenant together to lay aside all distinctive and party names, and taking our title from the great Head of the Church, to be known simply and only as Christians.
Furthermore, realizing that the success of each church depends upon the consecration of its individual membership, we covenant together to attend the services of the church, to contribute according to our means to its support, to labor together to maintain its peace and harmony, and in every way promote its temporal and spiritual welfare; looking for our reward to the peace of God which surpasses all understanding and to the Crown of rejoicing laid up for all who love Christ's appearing.
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